
How to cancel my subscription?

Learn how to cancel a Cheat Network Premium subscription.

Let's get started!


When you cancel your subscription, you instantly lose your premium status!

To cancel your Cheat Network subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Access Your Account Settings
    • Click on your avatar or profile icon, then select "Account."
  2. Initiate Cancellation
    • Look for the "Cancel Subscription" button on your account page.
    • Copy the provided email address.
    • Click "Cancel".
    • Paste the copied email address.
    • Click "Send".
  3. Receive Cancellation Link via Email
    • Check your email inbox for a confirmation email from Cheat Network (Stripe).
    • Open the email and find the "Log in" link.
    • Click on the link to finalize the cancellation process.
  4. Confirmation
    • Once you've clicked the link, you should see a cancel button.
    • Click Cancel button.
    • Finish the cancellation process.

By following these steps, you can easily cancel your subscription. If you encounter any issues, please contact us at [email protected].